Bust Magazine Blog November 2012

Craftacular Vendor Spotlight: Artikal Millinery
Posted by: Intern Megan H in Crafty on Nov 26, 2012
I like maxin’ and relaxin’ in my comfy clothes as much as the next gal, but I'm starting to realize that being overdressed may not be a bad thing. Recently, I've been contemplating expanding my wardrobe into the realm of hats. A dashing chapeau demands attention and not just any one will do. A handmade hat deserves admiration.
Thankfully, Holly Slayton, owner of Artikal Millinery, will be bringing her amazing headware to the upcoming BUST Magazine Holiday Craftacular. Her hats run the gamut from cozy, sassy knits to retro-inspired teal velour cloches. Holly has wardrobe genius in her blood; her grandmother was an award-winning dressmaker.
I like the contrast of some of the fitted hats on ladies rockin’ bobs, very 60’s mod. The panama pinched straw fedora would be a fun and fashionable way to avoid the sun (necessary even on those bright winter days). My plan is to try them all on to figure out which accents my cherub-like, round face! Hopefully this will distract me from the doldrums of the winter parka-and-galoshes wardrobe combination.